Bokar Coffee is a dark roasted coffee brand of Eight O'Clock Coffee, which began being sold by the American supermarket chain A&P in 1919. Eight O'Clock Coffee's Bokar blend is described on their website as "A select blend of 100% Arabica coffee beans, named for two famous coffee-producing areas in Colombia: Bogota and Cartagena. When ground extra fine, makes a spectacular espresso. Available in 12 and 36 oz. bags of whole bean coffee." [1]
In 1979, A&P licensed its division Compass Foods, Inc. to sell Red Circle coffee to other retailers including competing supermarket chains. In 2005 the Tata Group took ownership of Eight O'Clock Coffee and the Bokar coffee brand. The brand itself no longer exists, nor has it for years, but there is a "Bokar Blend" variety of Eight O'Clock Coffee available.